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We’re Weetend

We are a self-help community that has tasked itself with becoming the future of Canada's affordable and local cannabis industry. A future where patients can get a fair deal and craft growers, whom we call "Tenders", can get growing (legally) without the bureaucratic overplay. Or maybe you are here as a recreational user looking to trade. In any case let's build a true, strong and free Canadian cannabis community. It's time to grow together.

Become a Tender
Become a Patient

Why Weetend?

  • As a Patient

    Save on your medical bills


    Custom orders

  • How it works

    Learn how Weetend
    works in 1 minute
    Watch Here

  • As a Tender

    Generate a part-time income


    Help patients

Join as a Tender

Anyone can become a Tender with the exception of a few rules. Learn more here

Join as a Patient

If your not a holding a cannabis prescription already, find out how to here

Still not sure about Weetend or the laws?

Visit Our Support Page